COVID Data Sharing (DTAs) and Data Use (DUAs) Extensions!

NCATS is extending the period to continue site data contributions and data use for N3C COVID. The current Data Transfer Agreements (DTAs) and Data Use Agreements (DUAs) are ending.

Institutions that wish to continue contributing data to N3C will have to sign and execute the extension agreements with NIH.

Learn More HERE.

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Resources for Researchers

Researchers are welcome to request access to the N3C Data Enclave, one of the largest, most secure clinical data resources for accelerating and collaborating on COVID-19 research. Users may also join or start an N3C Domain Team to help coordinate work with others. If you experience difficulty at any stage in your enclave journey, please visit the N3C Support Desk.

"As someone with an immunocompromised family member, this pandemic brought fear and uncertainty into my home. There is little data on how immunocompromised patients will respond to SARS-Cov-2 infection, which has resulted in patients wondering if they should suspend life-altering treatments. The N3C initiative and data repository has sparked national collaborations with the goal of answering many of these yet unanswered questions about COVID-19. The ISC Domain Team aims to mine the N3C data to identify how different types, levels, and durations of immunocompromise may affect severity and outcomes of infected patients."

--- Amy Olex Senior Bioinformatics Specialist, Virginia Commonwealth University

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