N3C Domain Team: Oral Health
The Oral Health Domain Team is focused on understanding the impact of COVID-19 and Long COVID on the clinical progression, outcomes, and treatment optimization of dental patients. Our prioritized research will include 1) identifying emerging research questions and vulnerable populations in oral health peri pandemic and during the post-pandemic recovery, 2) developing electronic EHR phenotyping algorithms specific for oral diseases, 3) examining epidemiology of oral complications relating to COVID-19, 4) examining the impact of COVID-19 on oral diseases and risk factors, and 5) identifying clinical evidence for better treatments.
Team Meeting: 2nd Friday of the month at 12:30pm/3:30ET. Please email n3c-oral-health-dt@ctsa.io to join the Domain Team and get the meeting information.
For Questions or Comments: Please access the N3C Support Desk and click on "Request Domain Team Support".

Oral Health DT Google Drive

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The State University of New York at Buffalo School of Dental Medicine

University of South Carolina