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Neurologic sequelae COVID

Contract Description

What is the spectrum of neurologic sequelae at 12 months following infection in survivors of acute COVID, compared to individuals who have not had COVID?

Contract Aims

(1) Assess whether the main findings reported in this study are replicated in the more diverse population of the N3C enclave. (2) Quantitatively describe the key differences from the linked study, including but not limited to demographic differences, differences in covariates, and differences in the influences of specific covariates on the outcomes of interest.

Analysis Plan / Research Method

Be explicit about how your analytical plan and research methods will address the overall research question and Aims. Make clear how your planned analyses will allow for comparison and contextualization with published studies and will address gaps in previously conducted analyses.

Expected Results

Not applicable for this question

Inclusion Criteria

Be explicit about how your inclusion/exclusion strategy will rigorously address the overall question and Aims, and how they will allow you to contextualize and build upon the findings reported in the linked study.

Exclusion Criteria

Be explicit about how your inclusion/exclusion strategy will rigorously address the overall question and Aims, and how they will allow you to contextualize and build upon the findings reported in the linked study.


_Provide supporting arguments that show how your phenotype definition(s) will robustly address the overall question and Aims, and how your phenotype(s) and phenotype definition(s) will inform previously published work. _


Written report within the N3C Enclave detailing the quantitative findings from analyses that support conclusions that address the overall research questions and Aims; providing sufficient methodologic details for independent replication of the work; and an interpretation of the findings and study limitations. All code generated to complete the work, provided in a deployable format and with sufficient documentation/annotation for independent deployment to permit validation.

Application Open Date
Oct 24, 2022
Application Close Date
Nov 25, 2022
Number of Contracts
Contract Amount
Length of Contract
2 months
PHASTR Public Health Contact